Festiwal Mikolaja z Kozla

13 Sep 2019 - 15 Sep 2019
Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland

Nicolay de Cosla's Festival (Festiwal Mikołaja z Koźla) is either a research project or a journey to sources of the european culture. Franciscan Nicolay deriving from Koźle peregrinated in areas of Małopolska, Silesia and Moravia at the end of Middle Ages leaving a diary which fortunately survived to our times. Thanks to this we can learn what customs, rituals and regulations observed the society of that time and what music was grown in the Franciscan Czech-Polish province.

The facts show that Nicolay de Cosla joined franciscan novitiate in Čáslav (Moravia), he was in minority monastery at the Church of St. James in Prague, he served in Český Krumlov, Olomouc and Krnov as well as Swathomir the Provincial (1412-1428) entrusted him with the responsibilities of Czechs’ confessor (predicator bohemorum) and chaplain for the Order of St. Clare in silesian Głogówek.

Since 2016 in the 600-th anniversary of establishment of the Nicolay de Cosla's manuscript, the city of Kędzierzyn-Koźle organizes an annual series of events devoted to this story – Festiwal Mikołaja z Koźla (Nicolay de Cosla's Festival). Apart from concerts of early music there are panel discussions held with the participation of history and musicology lecturers as well as fairs and knights' tournaments take place in open-air venues.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel


Resto , Star resto

Directions & transport



City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Heritage , Interdisciplinary , Literature , Music , Classical Music , Early Music