Festiwal polskich filmów animowanych Young Animation

31 May 2019 - 02 Jun 2019
Gdańsk, Poland

Young Animation Festival of polish animated films is the newest addition to the cultural map of Gdańsk. It is an answer to the increasing citizen demand for social and cultural activities. The festival is aimed at young content creators and consumers. Its plan is to support and promote polish animated cinema, especially works created by young artists.

The festival's programme is based on five main elements:

1. Screening of polish animated movies
2. Lectures on the topic animation, led by theoreticians and content creators.
3. Nationwide animated movie festival, aimed at young people < 30 years old.
4. Stop-motion animation workshops for children and teenagers
5. Slam Animation - an improvised animation battle.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



City center

Art disciplines
