
Filmski Festival Herceg Novi - Montenegro Film Festival

01 Aug 2019 - 07 Aug 2019
Herceg Novi, Montenegro

Filmski Festival Herceg Novi – Montenegro Film Festival is the most significant film festival in Montenegro and has been taking place for over the past three decades. The international program focuses on competition selections of regional feature-length films, documentaries and student films. Out-of-competition program Cinema Europe comprises recent works of prominent European authors.

The main goal of the Festival is to promote regional and global film industry, thus particularly creating space for authors and films that nourish authentic art sensibility, bold approach to social reality, film language and production, while at the same time presenting the overview of contemporary poetics and expression.

Official FFHN- MFF Awards are:

a: Competition programme - feature-length films

Five-member-jury consisting of prominent film authors awards the following prizes:

  • Grand Prix – Golden Mimosa for BestFilm
  • Golden Mimosa for Best Director
  • Golden Mimosa for Best Actor
  • Golden Mimosa for Best Actress
  • Golden Mimosa for Best Screenplay Zivko Nikolic Award for Special Contribution to Film

b: Competition programme - documentary films

Three-member-jury consisting of prominent film authors awards the following prizes:

  • Golden Mimosa for Best Documentary Film
  • Two Special Jury Awards

c: Competition programme - student films

Three-member-jury consisting of prominent films authors awards the following prizes:

  • Golden Mimosa for Best Student Film
  • Two Special Jury Awards

Apart from the aforementioned, the festival awards the following prizes:

  • Audience Award
  • Milan Zmukic Award for Contribution to the Festival

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro


Partner hotel , Youth hostel


Self service resto , Resto

Directions & transport

Car park , Airport (max 20km)


City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Film , Music , Jazz , Rock , Pop