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In Art Green Week

13 May 2019 - 17 May 2019
Thessaloniki, Greece

Fix in art hosts the “In Art Green Week Festival” from the 13th to the 17th of May 2019. Our target/goal is the sensitization of people (kids and adults), with the participation of organisations involved with environment issues, through actions and discussions that promotes well balanced relation between human and nature/environment.

The programme of the festival has as a goal to present a series of workshops related with “Environment Sensitization” and there would be training stations via three thematic workshops where Kids learn about recycling through game. The workshops themes will be about recycling paper (I make my own paper), plastic (precious plastic project www.preciousplastic.org), aluminium (from can to art)

These workshops will be open for school visits in the morning, and open to the public in the afternoon. Through the school visit program we expect to reach 90 children per day, in total through the week 450 children through the week.

Based on previous free entrance festivals we organised in the past, we expect to have between 500 – 800 people per day visiting in the afternoon with the peak numbers being reached of course during the shows.The total reach of the festival will exceed 2 500 – 4 000 people.

During the afternoon there will also be info kiosks about recycling, bazaar of organic products, workshop of alternative therapies and bazaar of handmade crafts on the basis that we respect environment and nature.

Plus, there will be food stations where the goal is to promote healthy diet and that no food should be wasted in any case. (Mission zero food waste)

Alongside with the festival, there will be artistic events such as circus, kids theatre, street artists , all related with environmental awareness topics.

The campaign for promoting the festival will be on posters that will be created via stensil on repurposed carton, such to initiate the discussion and thought about our impact even from the visual part of the festival. We will involve several organisations active in sustainable living in the city , to increase the audience and impact of the event.

The management of the festival will be on a ‘Mission zero waste ‘ concept, no single use plastic, bring your own cup initiative, water coolers instead of water bottles e.t.c.

The festival will be hosted in our space which is walking distance from the centre of the city , it boasts 2 theatres, rehearsal rooms and a 6 000 square meters outside court yard.

Practical info


Snack bar

Main target group

12 - 16 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus


City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Circus , Design, Applied arts , Paintings

Support for disabled people
