International Animated Film Festival ReAnima

12 Nov 2020 - 15 Nov 2020
Bergen, Norway

ReAnima is the first independent and international animated film festival in Bergen, Norway’s second largest city. We emerged as a response to the increasing need to give the city a space of interaction with animated art in all its variety: traditional, conceptual, experimental and any other possibilities within the animated image. Although Norway has great animators and great works of animation, it seems that animated art is not very well known in the country. We would like to contribute to changing this.

Our main goal is to attract the greatest possible audience by providing the best selection of national and international animation, with visual art interventions in different parts of the city. We are committed to increasing interest and curiosity for animated art in all of its various expressions. Therefore, we wish to interact actively with the public.

There are already festivals in Norway that are exclusively dedicated to animation, but we want to make a difference by contributing with a more open vision; this includes having a more international competition in our program.

Our long-term goal is to make ReAnima a point of reference for global animation; a platform on which international creation is enriched by influences by creators from North to South and from East to West, without preconceptions about ideology, wealth, religion, race and sex.

Thanks to an interconnected global network of festivals worldwide, we will be able to screen our program internationally. We will create ideal spaces to screen, to learn about and to debate on animation. In addition, we will keep our eyes open for more avant-garde animation, and we will keep up to date with any content on the world of animation, such as its technology, creators, events, festivals and much more.

Welcome to this wonderful expanded festival called ReAnima!

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Youth hostel , AirBnb


Fast snack , Snack bar , Self service resto , Resto

Directions & transport

Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center , Nature

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Design, Applied arts , Digital Arts , Film , Interdisciplinary

Support for disabled people
