10 Aug 2019 - 20 Aug 2019

Syros, the capital of the Cyclades, hosts for the last 15 years the most prestigious classical event of the Aegean. The International Classical Music festival of the Cyclades brings together world renown soloists and ensembles, providing the solid ground for international chamber music creativity and presenting masterclasses and concerts to a wide audience from all over the world, the mission of the festival being to promote the art of classical music. It has been fifteeb years since the cultural vision of four friends and their love for classical music was streamed towards one of the most beautiful Aegean islands.

The International Classical Music Festival of Cyclades (ICMFC) was inaugurated in 2004 in the "Noblesse of the Cyclades", as the locals call the island of Syros, by Fotis Karayannopoulos, Kostas Fotopoulos, George Foufopoulos and the violinist Yannos Margaziotis, Concertmaster with the Greek National Opera Orchestra and Artistic Director of the festival. During these years, numerous acclaimed soloists and ensembles such as Leonidas Kavakos, Mihaela Martin, Philippe Graffin, Stephan Picard, Per Enoksson, Nobuko Imai, Hariolf Schlichtig, Diemut Poppen, Frans Helmerson, Leonardo Altino, Leo Winland, Marko Ylönen, Nikolas Kavakos, Bruno Weinmeister, Michael Wolf, Thierry Barbé, Spyros Mourikis, Michel Lethiec, Tolga Alpay, Radovan Vlatcovic, Hector Mc Donald, Ricardo Gallen, Costas Cotsiolis, Dimitris Sgouros, Janis Vakarelis, Claire Désert, Katrine Gislinge, Simone Leitao, Vassiliki Karayanni, Irene Karayanni, Elena Kelessidi, Dimitris Platanias, Christophe Delporte, Royal Danish Orchestra, Swedish Musica Vitae Orchestra, National Opera of Greece, Athens Camerata - the Friends of Music Orchestra, Michelangelo string quartet, New Hellenic quartet, Storioni trio, Artis piano trio, Camerata Smyrna wind quintet, the Min Ensemble from Norway, have performed at the Festival.

Most events of the festival are held in the Apollo Theatre of Syros, an architectural masterpiece of the 19th century, which is placed in the centre of the capital town of Syros, Hermoupoulis, and is a miniature replica of La Scala di Milan.

Reviving the european musical tradition of the 19th century in the city of Hermoupolis, the Festival offers a unique experience for classical music lovers. Alongside, it is an excellent option for those wishing to combine their sea-and-sun holidays in the Cyclades with a classical music event of excellence.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music , Opera