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International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra

07 Aug 2021 - 21 Aug 2021
Ierapetra, Greece

At the 8th International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra, screens, in a competition, the best new documentaries, from the Greece and whole of the world, in Ierapetra, the southernmost town in Europe, the Crossroads of cultures and continents. The juries, consisting of international caliber personalities.
Since the 4th International Documentary Festival Ierapetra accepted applications from YOUNG ARTISTS AND DIRECTORS from 18 to 25 years. This will be continued every year. The festival will be dedicated to health and insurance system.
The Festival’s target is to keep pace with the developments in technology and cinema, socially as well as commercially and to maintain its ecumenical character. The "8th International Documentary Festival Ierapetra & Awards" for the second consecutive year presents, under the auspices of the "2nd International Film Festival of Crete & Awards", with 150 large and short fiction films, which will be viewed on the same digital platform in a special Shaped part of the "International Film Festival of Crete & Awards". And the two festivals will be presented to the digital channel of the website of the festival www.festivalierapetra.gr 7 - 21 August 2021. If the Sanitary conditions allow, will also be made by living.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel

Directions & transport

Car park


City center , Nature , Suburbs , Village

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Design, Applied arts , Film , Music , Theater , Photography/Video

Support for disabled people
