
Les Instants Vidéo

07 Nov 2018 - 02 Dec 2018
La Celle-sous-Gouzon, France Marseille, France

Since 1988, the festival Les Instants Vidéo is an event dedicated to video arts, digital and poetic (monobands, installations, performances, multimedia... )

It is a laboratory where international renowned artists and works of arts can meet with works that are more fragile, still in progress, delicates. There is no competition.

We do not give a theme, but every year we give a title to our manifestation like one does for a collection of poems: “Burn your own patience”, “Resistance my sweet concern”, “Man is earth walking”, “And we are beautiful”, “You wanted me a virgin, I wanted you less dumb”…. Each one of the artists can take it into account or not.

We pay much attention to encounters (artists/audiences/art works) and try to draw out new connections: conversation-tour, video awareness sessions… In order to cross-fertilise ideas, to exchange words, to let imagination run, to re-think/re-invent the elsewhere, our actions are are framed as inviting places and times, or even in a supreme hospitality.

More than ever, the entrance is open and free because we think that art is priceless, that we demand a lot to our guests' sensitive-attentive-eyes, that every program-encounter is a general assembly of the living, that our payment is your speech-listening-breathing-laughter-and-thought.

The persons who welcome you, are bartending, serve meals, translate the debates in English (or in French), go pick up the artists... don't get paid for these responsibilities. They accompany the poelitic project of the festival and make it a festival of the Humanities.

The event is made of different spaces of time. The international Encounters take place in Friche la Belle de Mai in Marseilles (in November). Every year, this central part of the event welcome more and more spectators.

And either before and after these dates, we act in concert with partners to organise the festival stopovers in other spaces in Marseille, the area…and abroad. We name the whole stopovers a poetronic constellation.

A (free of charge) call is open each year from January to June. Each work is watched with attention, as we are aware that electronic poetry is fragile, delicate : a quivering...

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel , Youth hostel , AirBnb


Fast snack , Snack bar , Resto , Veggie/vegan

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Digital Arts , Interdisciplinary , Photography/Video

Support for disabled people
