
Messy Haired & Bearded, festival of equality

03 Nov 2023 - 29 Nov 2023
Maribor, Slovenia
Messy Haired & Bearded, festival of equality, is a music festival with socially engaged tune. It has been addressing the issue of underrepresantation of women in music since 2017. Through festivals’ activities (concerts, workshops, discussions, exhibitions, podcasts), we initiated not only public discourse, but also critical reflection on this topic. Through the prism of mutual respect and equality we are establishing a training ground for greater exposure of women in music and the wider spread of female artistic and social sensibility, in cooperation with male performers.
In other words, through music:
No! It’s a man’s man’s world – as James Brown groans,
rather: People have the power! – as Patti Smith roars.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro


Youth hostel

Main target group

16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport



City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Rock