Peter Ful Liam Gdsc 0070 Peetphoto

Metronome Prague

17 Sep 2020 - 19 Sep 2020
Prague, Czechia

Metronome Prague is the first large pop/rock festival to take place in the Czech capital. It strives to provide a cross-section of various genres and musical epochs, focusing on the hottest new sounds and the best of the past. However, the organizers don’t just provide an eclectic line-up that attracts a wide range of concert-goers, but also an exceptional level of comfort at the open-air and covered stages with sufficient seating; a broad selection of refreshments and a cashless payment system that offers secure transactions, shorter lines, and faster service.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

above 50 euro


Camping , Partner hotel , Youth hostel , AirBnb


Fast snack , Snack bar , Self service resto , Resto , Star resto , Veggie/vegan , Gluten-lactose free

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center , Nature

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Rock , Pop , Electronic Music

Support for disabled people
