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MMTX Festival

08 Sep 2019 - 09 Sep 2019
Kalamaria, Greece

MMTX was the first ever Color Festival that ever happened in Greece. It was founded by the artistic and interventionistic team called SFINA which until 2012 had already achieved 22 urban actions( https://vimeo.com/channels/sfi... ) and also worldwide recognition (https://www.nytimes.com/2011/1...) So today, seven years later MMTX, which is the acronym of Mera Me Ta Xromata, which in Greek means the Day with Colors, is a festival of love, creativity, art and fun! We like to bring people together through custom wedding colorful ceremonies, we do wheel of fortune tasks, we got water slides, sculptures, extreme games, jugglers, fire eaters, robots, a hot air balloon, dancers, bands and so much more!

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


Fast snack

Main target group

12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park



Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Circus , Music , Electronic Music , Street Art

Support for disabled people
