
Nice Festival

09 May 2023 - 09 Jul 2023
Torino, Italy Chieri, Italy Settimo Torinese, Italy

Thanks to the partnership network that sees the protagonists of the municipalities of Chieri, Grugliasco, Moncalieri, Settimo Torinese and Turin, blucinQue organizes four international events scheduled during the year from May to December: the Nice Festival Settimo Torinese, the Nice Festival Chieri, the Festival Sul Filo del Circo di Grugliasco and the Nice Festival Torino. Shows involve all the city and local communities. Italian and international artists spread joy and happiness by bringing audience in theatres and in all the streets of the city center and suburbs.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro

Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center , Nature , Suburbs

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Circus , Interdisciplinary , Music , Electronic Music