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No Water No Art

29 Jul 2023 - 12 Aug 2023
Poznań, Poland

No Water No art is an interdisciplinary site-specific project influenced by the proximity of the Warta River. The main goal is the worship of nature and the heritage of the place. The festival is structured around land art exhibitions and experimental music concerts that create a soundscape for sculptures and objects. Everything takes place in the woods on the grounds of the Szeląg Garden - a natural and cultural enclave in the centre of Poznań, which is bringing back to life a part of the city that has been neglected for almost a century. The invited artists create pieces inspired by the expansive history of the area, urban legends and the surrounding nature. The works of art from each edition stay in the open space of the forest, so all year round our local community and visitors can observe their changes, influenced by the forces of nature. This year we want to open up to international collaborations that will enrich the festival with new stories and contexts.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Youth hostel , AirBnb


Snack bar , Veggie/vegan , Gluten-lactose free

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)



Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Interdisciplinary , Music , Jazz , Electronic Music , Sculptures , Paintings