Nostoi (The Returns): IV edition of Nomadic Art Festival

29 Aug 2024 - 01 Sep 2024
Ferentino, Italy

Nostoi (the return) is the fourth edition of nomadic art festival: it opens a new cycle of returns, after the closing of the first cycle of exils and birthings. The edition explores the concept of returns in the sense of a searching for the real home; an intimate and childood home that is lost forever and that comes back only as an image or as music. The edition indeed explores the "refrain" as a rythm marker that creates familiarisation effect in the rootlesness. The edition explores the return in a formal way: every street is a path or an episode of an "outdoor serie-tv", in wich every episode is a tale told by a different one, as a way to let everyone of the participants to feel at home, curating with its own imagination a big story that is told ensemble.

Every section is a moment of this story of return:

1) Trans(h)umanses: a theatrical rite in walking, a mise en scene of fourth book of "The book of echoes" by Danilo Paris

2) endosymbiotic theater: a series of plays that work together, changing reciprocally

3) Sound Roots, a musical section with various artists and talks about music and a new Laboratory "Sounding the space" directed by Serena Abrami

4) The sands of the urn:the poetical section that includes a first part with Andrea Zandomeneghi and Pier Paolo Di Mino and a secon performance parte with Tommaso Di Dio, Vincenzo Corraro, Irene Sabetta and Mariagiorgia Ulbar

5) Arks: a series of visual art exibitions that takes places in archaic place of the country of Ferentino and that explore the concept of return as repetition and ritual gesture

6) Vagabond Seeds: ambiental panel talkings, with the "Herbario Novo" Lab by Paola Tassetti

7) Futura: a cinematografic and visual panel about differences and new way of living, with the book Hijra edited by Fandango

8) Homo Ludens: a ludic section that explores by imagination and game the themes of exile and returning.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel

Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o , Above 50 y/o

Directions & transport



City center , Village

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Literature , Music , Theater , Sculptures , Paintings