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ObservaEstrela – Festival de Natureza e Paisagem | ObservaEstrela - Nature and Landscape Festival

28 Jun 2019 - 30 Jun 2019
Gouveia, Portugal

Between 28 and 30 June 2019, the 2nd edition of ObservaEstrela will be held in the city of Gouveia. Integrated in the Observas network, promoted by the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF). This festival of nature and landscape aims to promote the relationship between tourism and science in an integrated vision and focusing on the natural and cultural values of this Mountain. As in the previous edition, this 2nd edition will be organized by the Estrela Geopark Association (responsible for the application of Estrela to the UNESCO Global Geopark program) and the Municipality of Gouveia, having as partners CERVAS (Center for Ecology Recovery and Surveillance of Wild Animals) the CISE (Serra da Estrela Interpretation Center), Turismo Centro Portugal and, as an media partner, National Geographic Portugal.

With a heterogeneous program, it will have several activities focusing at the interests of local agents, tourist animation companies and other entities related to nature and natural and cultural heritage, and, of course, to the interests of the population and visitors.

During this festival will take a place a fair that will allow the organizations whose object fits the profile of this festival,

to promote their products and activities.

In an attempt to discuss the topics related to Estrela, there will be lectures and workshops, each of them focusing specific themes, which will allow the participants to acquire a new vision on the heritage and identity of this territory, which will be observed on the last day of the festival through the interpreted field trips.

Music is also a form of expression of the identity so throughout the festival will occur concerts of groups with local sounds.

In parallel, other activities are scheduled, such as activities to promote local gastronomy with the "Sabores da Estrela" program, visits to the Ecological Park of Gouveia and Casa da Torre, as well as animation activities for the younger ones.

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Camping , Partner hotel


Fast snack , Snack bar , Resto

Directions & transport

Car park


City center , Nature

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Film , Heritage , Music , Photography/Video

Support for disabled people
