
Patterns and Stitches 2

18 Oct 2024 - 20 Oct 2024
Beograd, Serbia

After a series of carefully designed projects in the previous 6 seasons (supported by state cultural institutions – the Republic Ministry of Culture and Information, the City Secretariat for Culture, SOKOJ, the Association of Composers of Serbia, Radio Belgrade...) Ensemble for Different New Music plans its second festival as a platform for a wider range of activities in our cultural and artistic environment. Waiting for the right moment for the festival, EDNM members took into account important anniversaries, but also two very interesting events announced for 2024 year, which will be promoted within the framework of its programme:

- a new book by Marija Masnikosa and Ivana Price entitled "Musical Neo-Avant-Garde in Serbia – Minimalism and Extended Media"

- a new book by Miroslav Savić and Ivana Price entitled "European Minimalist Project and The Serbian Minimalist Music Scene"

Having in mind numerous other festivals of this type in Europe that place musical minimalism as one of the commercial electronic genres, our concept is directed primarily towards artistic and aesthetic criteria and the integration of minimalist music into the ever-growing mega genre of "new contemporary classics". This will be particularly important due to the fact that this year, from May 29 to 31, an important gathering will be held in Belgrade, a meeting of the Society for Minimalist Music association, which is organised biennially and which follows the European and American minimalist music scene.

18th of October: Miroslav Savić's lecture titled "Ensemble for other new music in the context of European music minimalism: then and now". Guided tour through the documentary exhibition "Half a Century of Minimalist Music in Serbia". Presentation of the installation of Miroslav Savić "Marzipan piano". Promotion of a new book by Marija Masnikosa and Ivana Price entitled "Musical Neo-Avant-Garde in Serbia – Minimalism and Expanded Media". Promotion of the new book by Miroslav Savić and Ivana Price "European minimalist project and Serbian minimalist scene". Moderator of promotional activities will be musicologist Zorica Premate. Concert of the Ensemble for other new music where the works of Serbian contemporary composers will be presented: S. Simić: Buterfly's Dream; M. Savić: Uno per Due; A. Negić: Long Interlude; D. Bogdanović: Over the Face of the Water and D. Ilić: JABA Musik.

19th of October: Marathon concert with Gavin Bryars and his music Ramble on Cortona (2010), White's SS (1977), My First Homage (1978), After Handel's "Vesper" (1995), Out of Zaleski's Gazebo (1977), Allegrasco (1983), The South Downs (1995), Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet (1965). After the concert, a conversation with the artist called "Coffee with Gavin!" is planned. Given the quality of the programme and the unique opportunity to hear the works and play of the famous British composer and double bass player, the organisers of the festival believe that it is especially important to offer the opportunity to talk with him during which young artists, students and all interested can find out everything they are interested in about the long-standing experience of a prominent representative of not only minimalist but also jazz music. About the original concepts of this artist's work, as well as the specific stylistic determinants of his music.

20th of October: Long lasting music from USAMarry Jane Lich “Island”Julius Eastman “Evil Niger”

Practical info

Pricerange per day



Partner hotel , Youth hostel , AirBnb


Resto , Veggie/vegan , Gluten-lactose free

Directions & transport

Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines


Support for disabled people
