Aff Sinfonia 2019 Web

Sinfonia, the baroque festival

24 Aug 2019 - 31 Aug 2019
Périgueux, France

A 29th edition that offers you beautiful surprises with colourful shows, enchanting concerts in sometimes unexpected places, brilliant artists, promising young shoots, faithful ensembles and newcomers to discover absolutely. 21 musical events we have chosen with the greatest care to offer you a memorable edition.

24/08/19 : Folia by the Concert de l’Hostel-Dieu and la Cie Kafig (hip-hop and baroque music on stage)

25/08/19 : Irini / Rural meal / Stabat Mater by Rosasolis

26/08/19 : meeting with a artist (Héloïse Gaillard, Amarillis)/ young talent concert (The Gothic breath by Into the Wind) / Del canto, delle lacrime ? by Les Traversées Baroques / Actus Tragicus by Amarillis

27/08/19 : meeting with a artist (Christophe Rousset, Les Talens Lyriques) / young talent concert (Les Temps retrouvés) / French Quatuor and creation to Philippe Hersant by Nevermind / The tears of the Virgin, from Naples to Venice by Les Talens Lyriques

28/08/19 : meeting with a artist (Hervé Niquet, Le Concert Spirituel) / young talent concert (Apotropaik) / Sonates da Chiesa by Le Consort / Venetian splendours: Gloria and Magnificat de Vivaldi by Le Concert Spirituel

29/08/19 : meeting with a artist (Joubert Caillé, L’Acheron) / young talent concert (Danielis) /
Golberg Variations by Justin Taylor / Grounds, baroque big band by L’Acheron

30/08/19 : meeting with a artist (Simon-Pierre Bestion, La Tempête) / young talent concert (La Sportelle) / Melodies in Mind, Suites and Trio sonatas by Amarillis / La Bomba Flamenca, Requiem for Charles Quint by La Tempête

31/08/19 : meeting with a artist (Sébastien d’Hérin, Les Nouveaux Caractères) / young talent concert (Lessons for harpsichord by Daria Zemele) / You said Brunettes? by Les Kaspber’Girls / The Fairy Queen by Les Nouveaux Caractères

Practical info

Pricerange per day

25 to 50 euro


Camping , Partner hotel , AirBnb


Snack bar

Directions & transport

Car park , Train/tram/bus , Shuttle service


City center , Nature , Village

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music , Early Music