
Tanznacht Berlin

24 Aug 2018 - 27 Aug 2018
Berlin, Germany

Tanznacht Berlin is the only specific platform exclusively dedicated to choreographic work created by artists living and working in Berlin. The festival has been presented by Tanzfabrik Berlin at Uferstudios since 2008.

The format changes every two years by including a new curator and is intended to reflect changes within artistic processes and public discourses. Tanznacht Berlin was initiated for the first time in 2000 in the wake of the inspiring 20th anniversary celebration of Tanzfabrik Berlin. This artistic congregation of Berlin’s dance community sends clear cultural policy signals and provides an opportunity for intensive exchange.

Since 2015, the discursive format Tanznacht Forum has been offered in the years between editions of the Tanznacht Berlin festival.

The Tanznacht Berlin festival is held every two years at the end of August; the next edition will take place in 2020. The next edition of Tanznacht Forum will take place in August 2019!

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


City center , Suburbs

Average attendence per day

500 to 2000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance

Support for disabled people
