Cafe Koer C Arne Deboosere Klein

TAZ (Theater Aan Zee)

31 Jul 2019 - 10 Aug 2019
Ostend, Belgium

TAZ IS ...

  • An arts festival: a broad spectrum of performances, disciplines.
  • A festival aiming at a divers audience.
  • A city festival: making use of unique locations in and around Ostend, in the harbour and with a lively meeting point in the centre of Ostend.
  • A summer festival: culture and holiday all in one.
  • A festival where public and artists meet up and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere.


  • Theatre festival: TAZ not only functions as a platform for young theatre makers, it also presents a thrilling theatre programme.
  • Music festival: TAZ not only functions as a platform for young music makers, it also presents a wide range of concerts.
  • Children’s festival: an out- and indoor programme for children, in the Family Park (Leopoldpark). With performances, installations, games and a cozy meeting point.
  • Literature festival: with several formats.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

10 to 25 euro


Snack bar

Directions & transport

Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km)


City center , Nature , Suburbs , Village

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Contemporary Dance , Literature , Music , Theater

Support for disabled people
