
The 10th World Orchestra Festival

25 Jul 2024 - 28 Jul 2024
Wien, Austria Wien, Austria Wien, Austria Wien, Austria Wien, Austria

As one of the most important orchestral festivals in the world, the World Orchestra Festival aims to provide a platform for all kinds of orchestras and ensembles to perform, to learn, to compete, to communicate, to establish and deepen friendship, regardless of their age, origin, religion and cultural backgrounds.

The World Orchestra Festival welcomes symphonic orchestras, chamber music orchestras, folk music orchestras, wood and brass Bands, marching bands, percussion ensembles, Jazz bands, ensembles of various types to join in the rich activities of the festival. A number of concert halls and historical venues in Vienna provide perfect stages for the participants to unfold their talents and to present their music. Individual musician can join in the Summer Seminar prior to the festival. The participants will be coached individually and daily by the top musicians and music educators. Chamber music lessons and orchestral trainings will be also emphasised during the seminar. During the seminar, the ONE FUTURE Orchestra should be built by the participants and then join into the festival’s main activities on the great stages. During the festival, workshops held by professors of University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, members of the world famous orchestra “The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra” and other renowned musicians and educators give the participants good chances to learn advanced method and superb performance skills which build solid bases for the further music development. Competition is not the ultimate goal of the World Orchestra Festival, but to encourage further development of the orchestras and their members, the festival provides an open and fair chance for orchestras, on their free will, to present themselves in a way of competition. The jury consists of world renowned musicians and music educators. The World Orchestra Festival is organised annually in Vienna in July-August each year, supported by the Austrian federal government authorities, the city government of Vienna, the world famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the Haydn Foundation, Liszt Cultural Centre and a series of NGOs, enterprises and personalities.

Since the premiere of the World Orchestra Festival in Vienna in July 2013, orchestras from more than 40 countries (for example: Armenia, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China (Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan), Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam etc.) have participated in the festival and brought beautiful memories and friendships back home. It is said that one can smell the music notes even in the air of Vienna.

Now let’s follow the footprints of great music masters and breathe the music in Vienna, be inspired by the culture and tradition of Austria, and let’s contribute to “the one future, our better future”! The World Orchestra Festival welcomes you!

Practical info


Partner hotel

Main target group

Under 12 y/o , 12 - 16 y/o , 16 - 25 y/o , 25 - 50 y/o

Directions & transport

Train/tram/bus , Airport (max 20km) , Shuttle service


City center

Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines

Music , Classical Music

Support for disabled people
