(V)ruchtbare Grond Festival // (Fer)tile Soil Festival

04 May 2023 - 14 May 2023
Antwerpen, Belgium

(V)ruchtbare Grond/ (Fer)tile Soil is a multiple interdisciplinair art festival: during 8 days you can discover visual/ video/ sound/ performing art, photography, music, community, food of young and talented artists.
Yearly we announce an open call, called ‘Bosacademy’, to encourage young people to send in an artistic idea.
After selections this ideas turn into a residency program. The results of this residencies are shown in our festival, ‘(V)ruchtbare grond’, ‘Fertile Soil’.
BosAcademy: development track for young people in Art-and youth centre Het Bos.

The BosAcademy is not only a studio with low-threshold introduction to artistic work(s), it is also a springboard for own projects. Think of it as an education, a thought pool, a learning path on several tracks and a presentation platform for artistic beginners and creative entrepreneurs alike. A wide range of ways to hijack Het Bos.

(V)ruchtbare Grond/(Fer)tile Soil

In the centrifugal force generated by the ever kinetic Het Bos float numerous artists who are not infrequently in search of their own center. We draw some of those artists from the Bosacademy into Het Bos to represent their search. We therefore launched the exhibition series (V)ruchtbare Grond/Fertile Soil in 2020; but because a dozen participants seek their salvation not in image, but rather in idea, sound, word or deed, in 2022 we are also establishing a performative stage with the far-fetched name of Ruchtbare Grond/ Tile Ground.

Results of residencies will be bundled in an inspiring and diverse festival program (V)ruchtbare Grond/(Fer)tile Soil.

Practical info

Pricerange per day




Directions & transport



City center

Average attendence per day

Under 500 attendees

Art disciplines

Digital Arts , Interdisciplinary , Music , Electronic Music , Street Art , Sculptures