
XXX Międzynarodowy Festiwal Teatralny BEZ GRANIC | XXX. Mezinárodní divadelní festival BEZ HRANIC

30 Sep 2021 - 10 Oct 2021
Cieszyn, Poland Cieszyn, Poland Český Těšín, Czechia Český Těšín, Czechia Český Těšín, Czechia

17 theater performances from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, played in theater as well as outdoors. From Poland "Protest" — a performance by Teatr Dramatyczny (Warsaw) built from "Audience", "Vernissage" and "Protest" is an excellent and rare realization of Havel's plays in Poland in recent times, with Robert T. Majewski as Ferdinand Vanek, dir. by Aldona Figura. "King Lear" – dir. by Anna Augustynowicz, with Mirosław Zbrojewicz, from Teatr Modrzejewskiej Legnica and Teatr Kochanowskigo Opole. From Slovakia: "Swing Heil!" (Divadlo Pôtoň, Bátovce) – about swing as music of rebellion and resistance during the Third Reich. From Czech Republic "Gadžové jdou do nebe" (Husa na Provazku, dir. Jiří Havelka) – a carefully assembled Czech-Romani team of performers about Czech-Romani coexistence, fascinating "Runners" (Cirk La Putyka). For children and youth: "Planeta Einsteina" of the Animacji Theater (Poznań, Poland) and "Příběhy malé Lupitiny González" (Loutky bez hranic, Praha). From Hungary: Maladype Theatre with famous "Yvonne" by Gombrowicz (dir. by Zoltán Balázs). Concerts: Mariusz Szczygieł & Res Factum and young jazz vocalist Wojciech Myrczek with Bogusław Kaczmar.

Practical info

Pricerange per day


Average attendence per day

2000 to 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines
