Zagreb Film Festival

10 Nov 2019 - 17 Nov 2019
Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb Film Festival has always dedicated particular attention to first-time filmmakers, whose debut filmsare screened in the competition. The authors’ first or second films are screened in a competition of feature films and international short films, and new Croatian authors are presented in the Checkers section. Throughout all these years, a series of today acclaimed and established filmmakers have presented their first films in Zagreb. ZFF stills follows their work and shows their new films in a special competition under the title Together Again. Next to support to first-time filmmakers, the festival features an array of attractive events for all generations. The section My First Film is dedicated to debut films by the most important global directors. Hit films by five biggest European cinemas (UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain) finds their place in the popular section The Great 5, and young audiences can look forward to the PLUS section, curated and awarded by high schoolers. Bib for Kids is intended for elementary schoolchildren. In the sections Festivals in the Spotlight, we shed light on several European festivals and their selection of films. Each year brings several special line-ups and this year’s programs are dedicated to tycoons and cinemas. ZFF does not offer only films, it offers education and training as well. Industry features a series of workshops, lectures, panels and other events intended for professionals, young filmmakers and all the interested public. Traditional My First Script workshops are meant for filmmakers preparing a script for their first features, and the renowned authors at training sessions reveal the secrets of the film production process. Industry also focuses on new contents, such as VR and video game design workshops. Zagreb Film Festival has always been a meeting point for filmmakers and film lovers. Each year over 100 guests arrives in Zagreb and we are particularly pleased when they present their films to the audience in person. The general sponsor of the festival is Croatian Telecom, with the financial support of the City Department of Culture, Croatian Audiovisual Centre and Creative Europe – MEDIA Sub-programme. The cash prize sponsor in international competition is Addiko Bank.

Practical info

Pricerange per day

Under 10 euro

Main target group

25 - 50 y/o


City center

Average attendence per day

Above 10.000 attendees

Art disciplines


Support for disabled people
